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The Importance of Graduated Compression Therapy

Graduated compression is often an overlooked and underrated modality
It can prevent the progression of vein problems

Graduated compression is important post treatment and helps you to achieve optimal results

What is graduated compression?

External compression can improve vein function. A higher pressure is applied nearer the toes and gradually reduces passing higher in the leg. The major benefit of the graduated compression helps return blood to the heart.


Graduated compression aids venous return

The benefit of wearing compression is that it will reduce the heavy feeling in the legs, reduce swelling and prevent the skin becoming damaged.
When the vein wall is weak and a bulge develops, the valves no longer meet, causing reflux of blood, with aching, leakage of fluid into the tissues causing swelling.
Graduated compression provides external support to the vein wall and prevents the blood pooling in the veins of the leg.
The graduated compression helps return fluid into the veins, improves valve function and therefore helps return blood to the heart.


Remember To Wear Compression ...

Graduated compression hosiery can prevent worsening of your veins at all stages.

Client 6

After Varicose Vein Treatments

Post endothermal ablation (RFA & EVLT)
Post foam sclerotherpy
Post open surgery

It is important to wear compression hosiery for 5 days continuously after treatments. They can then be removed for bathing and worn during the day, for a further 7 days.

Client 4

When Travelling To Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

When travelling long haul, or for more than 4 hours

Sitting for long periods, with limited space can lead to poor venous return. This is often associated with dehydration. The combination of dehydration, reduced movement and the knees bent with feet on the floor, increase the risk of a clot forming

Client 1

Daily When You Have Been Diagnosed With Deep Vein Insufficiency

The deep veins can fail for many reasons, the commonest being previous DVT.

If you have poorly functioning deep veins, it is important to aid venous return by wearing compression hosiery. There are limited treatments to improve deep viein function and long term use of compression hosiery is the most common method of treatment.
Graduated compression helps prevent venous ulcer formation.

Client 6

Only Use High Quality Compression Hosiery

Buy cheap - buy twice or more!

High quality hosiery, such as Medi, Sigvaris, Jobst, Venotrain, to name a few, provide appropriate compression.
Special features, including silicon hold up beads, belts or tights can make wearing the hosiery simple and comfortable.

Client 4

Measurement & Fitting

Ensure that you have stockings that are a good fit for your legs - Fitting is available at the hospital

Each manufacturer will have different size stockings. They will have measurement guides on their website. Many patients comment that the Daylong hosiery dispensary is a good source of information regarding fitting, types of compression and brands of hosiery. Please use the button to access the Daylong website at 



How To Put on Hosiery
BAS logo for website.png

Using the correct technique to put your hosiery on makes it very straightforward.  Mr. Fligelstone recommends that you view the helpful video from the British Association of Sclerotherapists.  Feedback from patients who previously found hosiery difficult has been very positive.

Screenshot video how to put on medical compression from BAS.png

If you still find putting the hosiery on a struggle , there are several application devices that can make it easier for you.  They are availabel from Daylong Direct and there is a direct link to the applicator page below.

Daylong Direct Hosiery2.png

Daylong Direct is a supplier of compression hosiery, with a guide to measuring, fitting and they supply direct to the public and offer a NHS prescription service and will deliver to your home.  A link to their homepage is below.

In line with the opinions of experienced sclerotheapists Mr Fligelstone advises RAL Class 2 (firm) compression for all vein treatments. 

The content of this website provides general information only and must not be considered a replacement for assessment and treatment by a qualified medical practitioner
©2025 Louis Fligelstone

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